Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Hoping for the best!!!!

Hello everyone!!!

I first want to start by saying, Thank You! For all of the wonderful emails and comments that I've received asking where I've been and for all of your care and concern! You all are just so amazing!

I've been MIA for a while and for unfortunate health reasons!!
As many of you know if you follow me on my channel or here on my blog in the past I've had health issues for a while....Here's a short version of a long story...

Since about Thanksgiving 2010 I've been battling extreme chronic vertigo and I don't just mean dizzy I mean spinning, bedridden, can't drive, eyes blurred, bad bad vertigo!! I went to the Dr and they said I had had Acute Otitis Media(An infected painful red, bulging eardrum) This went on from November 2010-February 2011 and in February 2011 I was taken by ambulance to the ER. I couldn't breathe, I felt like I was having a heart attack and I was vomiting profusely! I was in the hospital for a while the Dr there said that I had Labyrinthitis(another severe inner ear disorder)

So, they put me on many different meds and sent me home to which I laid bedridden, not able to drive, couldn't focus my eyes on using the computer, and if I walked it was by the help of others, etc!!
Time went on and after many bouts of Antibiotics and many other meds my GP diagnosed me with Menieres Disease(a disorder of the inner ear that can affect hearing and balance. It is characterized by vertigo and tinnitus and progressive hearing loss.)

So, here I sit present day...I am able to focus my eyes a lil better to be able to write and hoping to be on the uphill of this disease! I still battle chronic vertigo every minute of every day. I believe my battle has just begun...I'm going to UCLA to seek specialists for this and still have to have MANY tests that I need done...an MRI, CT Scan, Lab work, and an EEG...etc!!

I miss blogging, I miss making vids, I miss talking to all of you. I have to say this has been quite a struggle for me. I'm very much a get up and go kind of person and this has been debilitating!!!
I'm going to start blogging again and making vids, slowly but surely.....

Thank you, all for your support, care and prayers!! PLEASE continue to keep me in yours, I need all I can get!!!

Lots of Love..xoxoox

♥ Cupcake Kisses ♥


  1. sorry to hear about this but i wish you the best and hope you beat this nasty thing. May god Bless you!

  2. Thank you, so much sweetie!!! xoxo

  3. Great blog and you're so so pretty!


  4. i hope you get better asap! ive missed your blogs :) x x

  5. Yesterday, I thought about you as I went through my Google Reader. I wish you well. My prayers are with you. ~muah~

  6. I am so glad to see you are back but I am so sorry to hear this :( I hope you fight this stupid thing soon.... Lots of Love and prayers from Paris.


  7. I'm so glad to see you posting again but so sorry to hear about your health problems! my cousin also has ear problems and i know how severe it can get. I was missing your gorgeous face and uplifting posts - I hope you get better soon!!!!

  8. I'm sorry to hear what you're going through hon'. Hope everything gets better real soon.

  9. I was so excited when i saw your post in my feed! Ive missed you and your vids/blog posts! I hope you get much better! You seem to be a very stron girl, and im almost positive you'll kick this deseases bum! :D
    xoxo Inna :)

  10. So sorry to hear you've been sick, I've missed ur videos on YouTube! I'm sure u'll get over this! <3 <3

  11. hope you are feeling much better. nice blog.

    ~ x♥x♥ :)
    ~ x♥x♥ :)
    ~ x♥x♥ :)

  12. I tagged you in a stylish blogger award.... check out my blog to view the award ..... http://annpaigefashion.blogspot.com

  13. I'm so sorry to hear you are battling such a horrible disease! I'm sure it's very frustrating. I hope you get better very quickly! We all miss you! *Thoughts and prayers being sent your way*

  14. Yay your back!! Have missed reading your blogs and seeing your beautiful face. So sorry to hear about the battle you have been dealing with glad to hear you are on the road to recovery be strong wishing you light and love.

  15. omg so sorry to hear about this! sending lots of love your way!! xo

  16. Oh my gosh! Im so sorry to hear that! My mom suffers from Meniere's disease. Watch/cut out your sodium, MSG and aspartame intake and it may greatly give you relief from the symptoms of vertigo and the tinnitus. It is easier said than done to cut these ingredients from your diet because they are in almost everything but if you can, you can have next to no symptoms if you find these are your triggers. Hope you start feeling better soon! Missed your posts like crazy.

  17. Poor girl! I understand how you must be suffering, my mom has Labyrinthitis as well (terrible thing!) and when it flares up she really has a tough time.
    Glad you're back to blogging!

  18. Love yhu ur stunning glad ur ok x

  19. I work in the medical field. Make sure they do an IAC mri ( Inner Auditory Canal MRI) AND of your brain just to make sure you don't have any tumors that might be causing all of this. Im sorry about your dad, My Dad was diagnosed with cancer in Dec. It was VERY agressive, luckily he went through chemo, responded well and got surgery a month ago to remove all the cancer. I know how hard it is to see a father go through all this so I can't imagine how hard it is for you to feel his loss and now go through this battle of your own. YOU WILL WIN!!!I love your vids and postings! Keep them up =) Wishing you all the best!!!!!!!! M from OC

  20. I'm glad you are back. That is terrible about what you have been battling. I hope the medication will continue to help you. Take it easy. I have missed your videos and blogs. Wishing you the best.

  21. Oh sweet I am so sorry to hear you are suffering from Meniere's. My gran was diagnosed with it a couple of years ago and it is awful. That being said once her meds were sorted she made a quick recovery and is much much better nowadays, I hope the same will happen for you :)

  22. wow I'm so sorry to hear about your struggles... that sounds horrible :(

    I'm glad that you are able to blog again and hopefully there's only progress from here :)

    Best wishes

  23. I just came across your youtube channel yesterdat and I was hooked! I love how you are not afraid to be yourself and share your story! Im truely inspired by your style and your spirit and I hope you get better soon so you can continue bringing that great style of yours to us viewers! God bless

  24. i was so happy to see an update from you, I miss you and I know you will get all better soon!! Lots of love and kisses to you , You are such a beautiful and good hearted woman,,,So happy to know your back!! xxoxoxo

  25. Sorry to hear you've been sick!!! :( How are you feeling this Summer?? I miss your vids!!! I hope you are getting better!!! xoxox

  26. Hope so, so much that you are continuing to recover and gain the answers you need about this condition. I'm so sorry to hear everything that has been happening to you and you are most certainly in my payers. I was really happy to see you blogging though which must be really difficult and really miss your videos. Thank you for taking the time to update everyone as we do care about you!! xoxo -A

  27. its wonderful to see you back looking as beautiful as ever. Cant wait for your new videos! Hugs Ali

  28. I just read this post- oh my goodness! {{HUGS}}
    Hope you feel better soon- I'll say a prayer for you~


  29. Hi, so glad I found your youtube channel under a different name. Sorry you've suffered from that Menieres Disease I believe my Mom suffered from that prior to her passing a couple years ago, her doctors didn't help her with this debilitating disease. I hope you find a remedy. You look beautiful as always, and I'll be following you on the you tube.


Thank you, so much for your comments. I love reading them and hearing from you all!

XOXO, Gretchen