Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Wow, have I ever been MIA!!! It's been so long since I've blogged. I actually missed it :) There has just been so much going on lately. June and July were hard months for me, being as that in June was my 1st bday without my Dad, my Dad's bday a week after, and then Father's Day, ugh!!! All 1st's since his passing. Then came July...the dreaded 'July'!!! I lost my Dad July 22, 2009! So, it was the year anniversary of his death. Those 2 months are reallllly hard. Last year, on Father's Day my Dad was taken to the ER and never left the hospital, that's where he remained until his passing on 7/22. The weeks, days, minutes, up til that point were...well....there are no words that can ever explain what it was like. They are memories I try everyday to shake off and out of my head!!! So, needless to say guys times have been tough for me, and throw in the mix getting sick, battling vertigo, and as always dealing with stupid computer problems!!! Oh, how I just love those roadblocks!! And you know what?...I still look back at these last couple of years and can't BELIEVE that myself and my family actually made it through. No one can ever prepare you for those things, but I do have to say it makes you stronger, and it definitely showed me that as for myself, Mom, and Sister...we don't know our own strength! I remember sitting with my Mom and Sister hours after my Dad died and my Mom just kept saying, 'I can't do this. I can't do this, I don't know how I'm going to do this'...and here we are a year later and we did it!!! I've met so many wonderful people on YouTube who unfortunately share in the same tragedy, or have lost their Mom, Dad, Brother, or Sister, and it just breaks my heart to hear their stories. I'll never understand why, I try not to ask myself that question, because I know I'll never get the answer. I just have to try to remain positive and be thankful for what and who I do have. I just can't stress enough to people, make every moment count, don't take your loved ones for granted, tell them you love them, SHOW them you love them, tomorrow is never promised. Live for today~

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XOXO, Gretchen